Saturday, January 28, 2023

12th Computer Science || Practical Lists || Class 12 || Science & Commerce!l

 C++ Programm Practicals Lists

1) To perform arithmetical operation (+,*,-,/,%)

2) To find area and circumference of circle.

3) To find simple interest.

4) a) To swap the two numbers using third variable.

4) b) To swap the two numbers without using third variable.

5) To convert the temperature in Fahrenheit to temperature in celsius.

6) To find input number is positive or negative.

7) To find input number is even or odd.

8) To find the greatest number among two variable.

9) To find input year is leap year or not leap year.

10) To find input age is eligible for vote or not.

11) To display days of week of given input numbers.

12) To find input character is vowel or consonant.

13) To find marks obtained and percentage of five subject and display grade.

Percentage | Grade

>=80   | A+

>=60   | A

>=45   | B

<45    |  C

14) To find the factorial of given number.

15) To find the sum of series:-

a) 1 + a + a2 + a3 + a4 + ....+an

b) 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + .... + n

c) 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + .... + 1/n

16) To display the pattern :-

a) // for Solution Click

1 2

1 2 3

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

b) // for Solution Click

2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 

c) // for Solution Click


2 3

4 5 6 

7 8


17) To find minimum or smallest number of given arrays values. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

12th CMS || Communication and Network Concepts || Questions Lists!

 Q1) What do you mean by Computer Network? Explain the types of Computer Network.

Q2) Write the advantage and disadvantage of Computer network.

Q3) Explain the transmission Media and it's types with diagram.

Q4) Write the difference between following:-

a) LAN and WAN   b) Guided Media and Unguided Media

Q5) What do you mean by Network Topology? Explain its types.

Q6) Define the following Network devices:-

1) Modem 2) Repeater 3) Hub 4) Switch 5) Bridge 6) Router 7) Gateway 8) Network Card

Q7) What do you mean by Protocol? Explain the following types of  Protocol.

Q8) Explain function of hub and router. 


Hub: A hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to all the ports 

of the hub. When the packets are copied, the destination address in the frame does not change to a 

broadcast address. It does this in a rudimentary way, it simply copies the data to all of the Nodes 

connected to the hub. 

2. Router : routers are networking devices that forward data packets between networks using 

headers and forwarding tables to determine the best path to forward the packets

Q9) Expand the following terms 

 (i) URL (ii) ISP (iii) DHTML (iv) CDMA

10) Wireless/Mobile Computing

Wireless communication is simply data communication without the use of landlines. Mobile 

computing means that the computing device is not continuously connected to the base or central 


1. GSM(Global System for Mobile communication): it is leading digital cellular system. 

In covered areas, cell phone users can buy one phone that will work any where the standard is 

supported. It uses narrowband TDMA, which allows eight simultaneous calls on the same radio 


2. CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access): it is a digital cellular technology that uses 

spread-spectrum techniques. CDMA does not assign a specific frequency to each user. Instead 

,every channel uses the full available spectrum. 

3. WLL(Wireless in Local Loop) : WLL is a system that connects subscribers to the public 

switched telephone network using radio signals as a substitute for other connecting media. 

4. Email(Electronic Mail): Email is sending and receiving messages by computer.

5. Chat: Online textual talk in real time , is called Chatting.

6. Video Conferencing: a two way videophone conversation among multiple participants is 

called video conferencing.

7. SMS(Short Message Service): SMS is the transmission of short text messages to and 

from a mobile pone, fax machine and or IP address.

8. 3G and EDGE: 3G is a specification for the third generation of mobile communication of 

mobile communication technology. 3G promises increased bandwidth, up to 384 Kbps when a 

device is stationary.

EDGE(Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution ) is a radio based high speed mobile 

data standard.


Protection methods 

1 Authorization - Authorization confirms the service requestor's credentials. It determines if 

the service requestor is entitled to perform that operation. 

2 Authentication - Each entity involved in using a web service the requestor, the provider 

and the broker(if there is one) - is what it actually claims to be.

3 Encryption – conversion of the form of data from one form to another form.

4 Biometric System - involves unique aspect of a person's body such as Finger-prints, 

retinal patterns etc to establish his/her Identity.

5 Firewall - A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network is called firewall. it can be implemented in both hardware and software or combination or both.

12) WEB SERVERS Terminology.


It is a small part of Internet. It is a kind of Application of internet.It is a set of protocols that allows us 

to access any document on the Net through a naming system based on URLS. Internet was mainly 

used for obtaining textual information. But post-WWW the internet popularity grew tremendously 

because of graphic intensive nature of www.

Attributes of WWW

(i) User friendly- www resources can be easily used with the help of browser.

(ii) Multimedia documents-A web page may have graphic, audio, video, and animation etc at a 


(iii) Hypertext and hyperlinks-the dynamic links which can move towards another web page is 


(iv) Interactive -www with its pages support and enable interactivity between users and servers.

(v) frame-display of more than one section on single web page.

Web server- It is a WWW server that responds to the requests made by web browers.

 e.g. : Apache, IIS, PWS(Personal web server for Windows 98).

Web browser- It is a WWW client that navigates through the World Wide Web and displays web 

pages. E.g.: FireFox Navigator, Internet Explorer etc. 

Web sites- A location on a net server where different web pages are linked together by dynamic 

links is called a web site. Each web site has a unique address called URL.

Web page - A document that can be viewed in a web browser and residing on a web site is a web 


Home page- a web page that is the starting page and acts as an indexed page is home page.

Web portal - that facilitates various type of the functionality as web site. for e.g.,

Domain name- An internet address which is a character based is called a Domain name. Some 

most common domains are com, edu, gov, mil, net, org, and co.Some domain names are location 

based also. For e.g. au for Australia, a for Canada, in for India etc.

URL- A URL (uniform resource locator) that specifies the distinct address for each resource on the 


Web hosting - means hosting web server application on a computer system through which 

electronic content on the internet is readily available to any web browser client. 


It stands for Hyper Text Markup Language that facilitates to write web document that can be 

interpreted by any web browser. It provide certain tags that are interpreted by the browser how to

display and act with the text, graphics etc. tags are specified in <>.

12th CMS || Database Concept || Questions Lists!

 Q1) What is a Database System? What it’s need?

Q2) Define the following terms:-

a) Data    b) Information     c) DBMS   d) RDBMS

Q3) How many types of users works on database system?

Q4) What are various levels of data abstraction in database system?

Q5) How many different types of data independence?

Q6) What are various supported data models of database system?

Q7) Define the following relational model terminology:-

a)Tuple   b)Attribute  c)Degree  d)Cardinality e)Relation   f)Field   g)Table  h)File

Q8) Explain the following types of key with example:-

a)Primary Key b)Candidate Key c)Alternate Key d)Foreign Key

Q9) What do you mean by DBA? Explain the role of DBA.

Q10) What do you mean by SQL? Categorised the following SQL Condition.

Q11) Define the terms:

i. Database Abstraction

Ans: Database system provides the users only that much information that is required

by them, and hides certain details like, how the data is stored and maintained in database at hardware level. This concept/process is Database abstraction.

ii. Data inconsistency

Ans: When two or more entries about the same data do not agree i.e. when one of

them stores the updated information and the other does not, it results in data inconsistency in the database.

iii. Conceptual level of database implementation/abstraction

Ans: It describes what data are actually stored in the database. It also describes the relationships existing among data. At this level the database is described logically in terms of simple data-structures.

iv. Primary Key

Ans : It is a key/attribute or a set of attributes that can uniquely identify tuples within the relation.

v. Candidate Key

Ans : All attributes combinations inside a relation that can serve as primary key are candidate key as they are candidates for being as a primary key or a part of it.

vi. Relational Algebra

Ans : It is the collections of rules and operations on relations(tables). The various operations 

are selection, projection, Cartesian product, union, set difference and intersection, and joining of relations.

vii. Domain

Ans : it is the pool or collection of data from which the actual values appearing in a given column are drawn.

Q12) What is relation? What is the difference between a tuple and an attribute?

Q13) Define the following terminologies used in Relational Algebra:

(i) selection (ii) projection (iii) union (iv) Cartesian product

Q14) What are DDL and DML?

Q15) Differentiate between primary key and candidate key in a relation?

Q16) What do you understand by the terms Cardinality and Degree of a relation in relational database?

Q17) Differentiate between DDL and DML. Mention the 2 commands for each category.

Q18) What is a Constrains? Explain the different types of constraints.


  Part-A Multiple Choice Questions 1) Who is the developer C++? a) Von Neumann b) Dennis M. Ritchie c) Charles Babbage d) Bjarne Stroustrup ...