Monday, August 31, 2020

Class-07 | Computer Technology | Chapter - 2 | Computer Network


Class-07 | Computer Technology | Chapter - 2 | Computer Network

Answer the Following questions | By : Ashok Roshan

Q1. What is Computer Network? Writes its two advantages and disadvantages.

Ans:  A Computer Network is a collection of computers connected together for sharing information and hardware, software resources.

Advantage of computer network

i) Resource sharing.

ii) Security

iii) Speed

iv) Cost efficient

Disadvantage of computer network

i) if network stops operating then the computer connected to the network can not performed task.

ii)it becomes difficult to manage number of computers on a network.


Q2. What is the difference between server and workstation?




1. A server is a computer that manages the network resources, software and files.


1. A Workstation is a computer intended for individual use in a networking environment.

2. It is normally dedicated, that is it performs no other task besides the allocated task.

2. It is like a personal computer except that it is connected to other computers as well as to the main computer.

Q3. Define the following:


i. LAN: - Local area Network implemented over a relatively small area like connecting computers within a single building.

ii. MAN: -Metropolitan Area Network connects smaller networks around a town or city. It is smaller than WAN but larger than LAN.

iii. WAN: - Wide Area Network is a geographically dispersed telecommunications network.

iv. Internet:- Internet is the biggest network of computers connecting billions of networks together across the globe.


Q4. Difference between Bus and Star Topology.


Bus Topology

Start Topology

1. It is popular for earlier networking.

1.It is most popular now a days networking

2. It is easy to setup and expensive.

2. It is easy to setup and relatively cheap.

3. All devices in this topology connected using single cables.

3. All devices in this topology connected using separate cables.

4. No any central devices required.

4. Each computer connected with central devices.


Q5. What is Bluetooth Technology?

Ans: Bluetooth Technology is wireless communication media uses the radio wave which is not very expensive and has low power consumption.

In Bluetooth Technology eight devices can be connected to each other at the same time.


Class- 1 | Computer Technology | Chapter - 03 | Parts of a Computer


Class- 1 | Computer Technology

Chapter – 3 | Parts of a Computer

Exercise Solutions | By: - Ashok Roshan


A.Oral Questions

        1. Name the Brain of Computer.

        Ans: CPU (Central processing Unit)


        2.    Can you watch movies on a computer?

Ans: Yes, We can watch movies on a computer.


3.    What is monitor used for?

Ans: Monitor used for output.



B.Tick (ü) the right option:

1.    Which of these do you use for typing?

a.    Keyboard þ

2.    Which helps you draw pictures?

a.    Mouse þ

3.    Which of these is kept on a mouse pad?

c. Mouse þ


C.Fill in the blanks:

1. A Computer has   Four   main parts.

2. A Keyboard contains many keys.

3. A Keyboard   is like a television screen.

4. CPU is known as the Brain of a computer.

5. CPU stands for Central processing Unit.


D.Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for False:

1. We can type anything with the help of a keyboard.          T

2. A monitor is unable to show what we do on a computer. F

3. CPU stands for Central power Unit.                                         F

4. A keyboard has only a few buttons on it.                              F

5. We can draw pictures with the help of a mouse.               T


E. Match the following:

            1. Monitor      à iii. TV Screen

            2. Mouse        à i. Pointing device

            3. Keyboard  àiv. Typewriter

            4. CPU             à ii. Brain of computer






E. Answer the following questions:

1. What is monitor used for?

Ans: Monitor used for Output.

2. What is the other name of CPU?

Ans: The other name of CPU is Brain of Computer

3. What look like TV screen?

Ans: Monitor look like TV screen.

4. How many parts does computer have?

Ans: Computer have four parts.


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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Class-07 | Computer Technology | Chapter -1 | Computer System


Q1. What is Computer? Name any five hardware components of the computer.

Ans: A Computer is an electronic machine with ability to accept:-

  • ·         User supplied data.
  • ·         Input store and execute programmed instruction.
  • ·         Output results.


Q2. Distinguish between the Input and Output devices.

Ans: Input devices help us to enter data and instructions in to a computer. For example Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, mic etc.

Output devices help us to display the desired output and information. For example Monitor, Printer, Projector, Speaker etc.  


Q3. What is the use of Storage devices? Name the Primary memory of the Computer?

Ans: Storage devices are used to store data and information There are two types of primary Memory :- 1) RAM 2) ROM.

RAM is volatile memory. Volatile means the data is lost when the power of computer switch off.

ROM is Nonvolatile Memory. Non Volatile means the data is not lost when the power of computer switch off.


Q4. What is Computer Software? Name any two popular Operating systems.

Ans: Computer software are set of programs that helptp use a computer system and make the hardware run.

The two popular Operating system is Windows & LINUX.


Q5. What is Application Software? Name the main types of Application Software.

Ans: Application software is the software that is designed to complete a specific task. For example Paint, Word, Excel, Power point etc.

The two main types of Application software are:-

1) Custom made application Software         2) General purpose application Software



Q6. What are Low level Languages? What are its types?

Ans: Low level languages are machine codes or close to machine.

There are two types of Low level Language:-

1.    Machine Language         2. Assembly Language


Q7. What are High level Languages? Name any five high level languages.

Ans: High level Languages give formats close to English Language and purpose of writing programs easily.

The following five high level languages are:-

1.BASIC         2.FORTRAN   3.COBOAL    4. Prolog       5.C     6.C++      7.JAVA     8. Visual Basic

Monday, August 24, 2020

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Class-06 | Computer Technology | Chapter -1 | More About Computers

Class-06 | Computer Technology | Chapter -1 | More About Computers

Answer the Following questions | By: Ashok Sir

Q1. What is a Computer? Name the different types of computers.

Ans: Computer is an electronic device that works on the principal of input process output cycle.

There are various types of computers:-

1. Micro Computers          2.Mini Computers              3. Mainframe Computers          

4. Super Computers


Q2. Define Input devices with suitable examples.

Ans: Data is accepted by a computer through the input devices. Example of Input devices keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Joysticks etc.


Q3. Name the different generations of the computers.



First Generation (1940-1956)



Vacuum Tube used





Second Generation (1956-1963)



Transistors Used


Example : IBM 7090, IBM 7094


Third Generation (1964-1971)



Integrated Circuits Used


Example : IBM 370


Fourth Generation(1971-Present)



Microprocessor Used


Example : IBM system & HP 3000


Fifth Generation (Present & beyond)



Artificial Intelligence Used


Example :Robot & Robotic device


Q4. Describe the functional of the components of Central Processing unit.

Ans: The functional components of computer are:-

1.    Input devices               2. CPU           3.Output devices

1)   Input devices: - Data is accepted by a computer through input devices for example keyboard.

2)   CPU: - Central processing Unit is the Brain of Computer & it control all the parts of computer system.

3)   Output devices: - it is used for getting information from a computer for example monitor.


Q5. What do you understand by computer memory? Write about RAM and ROM.

Ans: computer Memory is the part of the Computer where the data is stored and is accessible to CPU.

Computer Memory is basically two types: - 1) Primary Memory          2) Secondary memory.


RAM – RAM is primary memory and volatile in nature.  Volatile means the information stored in RAM is lost when the power of computer switch off.


ROM - ROM is primary memory and non volatile in nature. Non Volatile means the information stored in ROM is not lost when the power of computer switch off.


Q6. Define output devices with suitable examples.

Ans: Output devices used for getting information from a computer for example monitor, printer, scanner plotter etc.

Non Printed information shown on a display device is called soft copy. While printed information shown on a printer is called a hard copy.



Q7. What is computer software? Write any two differences between the system software and application software.

Ans: Computer software is a set of programs that runs a computer system. Computer software is stored and execute with the help of computer hardware.


System software is a program that manages and supports the computer resources and operations of a computer system.

Example of system software Operating System (Windows).


Application software is a set program necessary to carry out operations for a specified


Example of application software Microsoft Office.



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