Saturday, August 22, 2020

Class-08 | Computer Technology | Chapter - 2 | Introduction to JAVA


Class-08 | Chapter - 2 | Introduction to JAVA

Answer the Following questions | By : Ashok Roshan

Q1. What is JAVA? Write any three features.

Ans:  JAVA is a third generation high level computer programming language used to develop computer program and mobile application.

The any features of JAVA are:-

i) It is object Oriented Programming language.

ii) It is highly versatile.

iii) It is platform independent Programming language.

iv) It is a case sensitive.


Q2. What is JAVA byte code? Name the software that converts java byte code into machine code.

 Ans: JAVA byte code is the compile code of JAVA program. An Interpreter software converts java byte code into machine code.

Q3. What is IDE? Write the name of some JAVA IDEs.

Ans: IDE (Integrated development Environment) is application software that provides environment to write, compile and run program.

The name of some IDE:- Eclipse, Net beans, Jcreator, BlueJ and IntelliJ.


Q4. Define BlueJ.

Ans: BlueJ is an IDE which provides environment to write, compile and run java program.


Q5. What is function of compiler and interpreter in JAVA?

Ans: The function of compiler to convert java program into java byte code and The function of interpreter to convert java byte code into machine code.


Q6. Define Encapsulation and Polymorphism with the context of java.

Ans: Encapsulation means hiding the important data and functions from the outside world by keeping it as a single unit.

Polymorphism means the ability to take more than one form.


 Q7. What is class declaration in JAVA?

Ans: Every java program must be enclosed in class. The name of class begins with capital letter and preceded by keyword public.

public class Myjava


            public static void main(String[] args)


                        System.out.println(“Welcome to JAVA”);



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