A) Oral Questions
1) What is MS-PowerPoint?
Answer | MS PowerPoint is a Presentation Software that present our information in a presentation format on series of slides.
2) What are placeholders?
Answer | Placeholders are used to add the information.
3) What is the use of outline pane?
Answer | The use of outline pane for designing and organising the content of presentation.
4) What do you mean by alignment?
Answer | Alignment means to change the position of the text.
B)Tick the Correct answer:
1) This software presents our information in a presentable format on series of slides.
Answer | c) Presentation
2) It is used to add elements like text, graphics, movies and sound in the slide.
Answer | Slide Pane
3) In this view, all slides can be seen all together.
Answer | Slide sorter view
4) In this view, you can type your own notes and take printout.
Answer | Notes Page View
5) In this view, the presentation is displayed as slide show that fits within window.
Answer | Reading View
C) Fill in the blanks:
1) Presentation
2) Slide
3) Outline Pane
4) Slide show View
5) Smart Art Graphics
D) True/False Statements
1) False
2) True
3) True
4) False
E) Match the Following:
1) Slides-->c
2) Notes Pane -->d
3) Place holders -->e
4) Slide Layout -->b
5) SmartArt-->a
F) Answer the following questions:
1) What is the importance of a presentation?
Answer | The importance of a presentation to viewed on a projector by attaching the computer.
2) What is the use of place holder?
Answer | The use of place holder to add information on it.
3) What is Slide Layout?
Answer | Slide Layout appears in slide panel that can be changes and arrange the slide content.
4) What is slide in presentation?
Answer | Slide is the main screen of the power point window.
5) Define Normal View?
Answer | Normal view allowed to write and design a presentation. It contains four working areas.
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