Saturday, November 13, 2021

12th CMS || Computer Science || Objective Questions Set-1!

1) ………. Header file used for input & output function in C++.

a) iostream.h           b)  string.h              c) math.h                d) stdio.h

2) ……… Header file used for Mathematical related Function in C++.

a) iostream.h           b)  string.h               c) math.h               d) stdio.h

3) setw() & setprecision() function belongs to …… Header file.

a) iostream.h           b)  string.h               c) iomanip.h           d) stdio.h

4) strcpy() & strlen() & strcmp() function belongs to ……. Header file.

a) iostream.h           b)  string.h               c) iomanip.h           d) stdio.h

5) C++ is an extension to ……… programming language.

a) C                        b) C++                    c) JAVA                  d) HTML

6) Conditional Operator is ……………. in C++.

a) ?:                       b) >>                      c) ::                       d) <<

7) Order of Evaluation of expression A + B – C * D.

a) *,-,+                  b) +,-,*                   c) *,+,-                  d) All

8) A Structure together group of ……….

a) similar data  items                   b) variables               c) items of disimilar datatype

9) To calculate remainder in C++, We use …...

a) mod                    b) %                        c) rem                   d) remainder

10) Key is an …… in the database system.

a) Attribute              b) Row                     c) Column              d) Condition

11) Order by Clause is used to ………… query result.

a) sort                     b) order                   c) index                 d) None

12) SOP in K-Map means ……….

a) Simple odd product         b) subtracts odd product                 c) sum of product

13) C++ is a super set of ………… programming language.

a) C                        b) C++                    c) JAVA                  d) HTML

14) Logic gates are minimized using ………

a) Theorem             b) K-map                  c) Postulates           d) All

15) …… was the first Network based on TCP/IP Protocols?

a) NFS                    b) ARPANET              c) NFSNET              d) All

16) Home Page is in the Form of ……….

a) Text                    b) Hypertext             c) Hyperlink           d) All of these

17) C++ is support ……… programming paradigm.

a) POP                    b) OOP                     c) OBP                   d) None of these

18) Scope Resolution Operator is ……………. in C++.

a) ?:                       b) >>                      c) ::                       d) <<

19) ………… is non linear data structure.

a) List                     b) Stack                   c) Queue                d) Tree

20) C++ Programming Language developed by …………….

a) Dennis Ritchie                b) Bjarne Stroustrup                c) Ken Thompson

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